By shiiiiit - 15/11/2009 09:23 - United States

Today, I was having trouble blowing out the last of the several candles on my bedside table. Exasperated, I blew as hard as I could, which sent hot wax from the other candles shooting into the air, all over my face and into my eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 168
You deserved it 12 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait, if you were BLOWING how did it end up back on your face..? oh, and by the way, very original name OP.. :P


HahaYDI 0

"...I blew as hard as I could..." That's what she said, mother *******!

ItsSydneyXD 0

yes it is. and it hurts like shit.

dotsdesu 0

next time, pinch the candle. oh well..

RachelTM 0

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natizakhi 0

ok this is just FULL OF FAKE!!!!!!!!!!! how the fu*k can you blow a candle out and have the wax shot towards your face?! that would mean you were sucking the air in but even that is impossible! and if the wax went into your eyes youd be blind! so you are a fake attention seeker!

If she was directly above the candle when she blew it out, the liquid wax could have splashed up at her. The same principle causes water to splash back up when someone jumps into a pool. But then, that's pretty stupid as well, sticking one's face right up against a candle to blow it out...and if there was that much liquefied wax floating in the candle, she burned it WAY too long. So either way, she's a ******' moron.

thats true. I was going to say the same thing. Some though could have helped her blow them out from the other side. Therefore she misinterpreted the whole scene.

I agree. Plus, Hot wax on a candle cools very fast. So I definitely call this fake. :|

Were the candles there to celebrate the OPs 100th birthday.

kaytwiztid 0

no it could deff b real because yes wax cools fast but u can burn it long enough to make a puddle of hot melted wax in the candle and if u blow from the top the wax splashes up and cools on the skin...I know I've watched it happen and had to help him get the wax off from around him eye

Wait, if you were BLOWING how did it end up back on your face..? oh, and by the way, very original name OP.. :P

No, she was probably above the candles blowing down, and there's a bit of a rounded hollow where the wax is melting where the wick is, so the wax would go straight up in the air, and into her face.

zakkyzebra 11

yes. cuz it's completely logical to have your face right above lit candles. especially since OP is a female, her assumed long hair could catch on fire

perdix 29

You suck at blowing. If you need any help with either, I will be happy to oblige.

Pipistrello_fml 0

That sucks. I hope there was no real damage. For the others, you CAN blow into hot wax, or other liquids, and have it fly back at you. Common physics. Take a shot glass and put water in it. Blow into it sharply from up close and your face will get wet. Just sayin.

How do you blow hard enough that something as thick and syrupy as candle wax shoots back at you? [no pun intended]

Maybe it was like this and then it shot back at her when it hit the wax wall, but I really doubt it... Though it could be possible... but if it went into her eyes, wouldn't she be having some medical attention that would be really bad? :S

icecreamdriveby 5

If you blow hard enough you always end up with hot, sticky stuff in your face. YDI

YDI for not being able to even blow out a candle U needs excercise?