
By Anonymous - 25/11/2010 18:18 - Singapore

Today, while I was having sex with my girlfriend, I was struck with a white-hot pain, and in the confusion thought her vagina had contracted hard. It turned out it was actually my uncircumcised penis retracting for the first time in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 603
You deserved it 7 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

danielleeycakes 3

yes, why don't you educate us, justin bieber?

This garbage about hygiene, uncircumcised is only unhygienic if you're unhygienic.


I fully agree, I prefer guys who are circumcised, it just looks a lot better IMO.

Help me out here please... but in the world of Englishmen I believe it is much more common to have a full head of skin. It doesn't appear to be a bad thing, I have never come across any bad smells or cheese infestations. Yey for foreskin. In other news, this chap should have had a wank years before he went within a meter of any female, poor lass...

creedaddict 9

ewwww I'm sorry but uncircumcised penises is gross

Oh, so this is where pendatik's share of stupidity went.

you are 7. what would you know, you have no business contributing to this convo.

MuchDance90s 0

it seems ironic that you would be grossed out by extra skin, no?

113 - I doubt they're grossed out by the extra skin itself. Rather, they find the look unappealing, and for some reason, assume every uncircumcised guy is unhygienic. Most guys with a foreskin are hygienic. I have personally come across a few who weren't...

tippytoe_shhh 0

I am American and I prefer uncircumcised((; Or it could've just been the bad experience I had with a circumcised penis.. O.o Idk.. FML((:

thehelp14 0

fagget u have no fucke friend u **** **** u

Ok do some research idiot before you start typing, getting circumcised reduces the risk of certain penile cancers and infections. It is also a choice I for one prefer a male who is circumcised but as long as the clean it properly it doesn't matter. He should have been pulling his skin back before now.

Ayame, I agree. I know people are getting butt-hurt over a woman's preference, but tough shit. I don't get butt-hurt because there are guys out there who prefer giant ****. Men, get over it, and find someone who appreciates an uncut wang.

Why are they modding comments so hard? I did not say anything graphic or ruder than what is showing?

It helps when you post your comments to other people as replies to the theirs. It makes more sense, doesn't confuse people, and makes you look sane :-)