
By Anonymous - 25/11/2010 18:18 - Singapore

Today, while I was having sex with my girlfriend, I was struck with a white-hot pain, and in the confusion thought her vagina had contracted hard. It turned out it was actually my uncircumcised penis retracting for the first time in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 603
You deserved it 7 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

danielleeycakes 3

yes, why don't you educate us, justin bieber?

This garbage about hygiene, uncircumcised is only unhygienic if you're unhygienic.


*ahem* Some people DO have their breast tissue removed in order to help prevent cancer from either occurring or reoccurring. It's called a double mastectomy.

What they like/dislike and what they do/don't do doesn't affect you, in any event. It's their preference. In some places it's common practice to snip the skin, so you know.

No, most people wouldn't. But prevention of cancer isn't the only reason guys get snipped.

Peasanthunter_fml 0

I knew from the second I read this fml that the comments would be a shitstorm. Ty nerd rage for making me feel sane.

Peasanthunter_fml 0

Oh and circumcised all the way.

batgirl_babygirl 0

white pain? lol didn't know pain had a range of colors o_O


You say you like it when your man's dick is half cut off? And you don't see why this pisses men off when you say that? How would you react if a man told you he liked to date women who had been raped, because they were more docile? Pretty offensive, eh?

The comments section isn't really the place to wage a holy war for or against circumcision, people, so I'm closing the comments on this one. Sorry.