By blenderbookf - 25/11/2010 18:33 - United States

Today, my dad was completely engrossed in a football game on TV, so, trying to be cute and funny, my mom flashed him. He didn't notice, but I did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 041
You deserved it 3 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

roaminginsomniac 0

She's nasty for flashing him in a room where her own kid was. She needs some psychiatric help. Move out!! No wonder your dad ignored her. NASTY!

FYLDeep 25

Was is just the tities or did you get the full body WA-BAM!?



Well the Lions Were Getting a Beating from the Patriots, so I too Would have been watching the game.....btw Patriots Won 45-24...

bamagrl410 31

Also, Texas A&M just held off UT for a final of 24-17. Gig 'Em!

yazmi_09 3

**** the Faggies! hook em all the way!! m/

xGet_Over_It 0

i think your picture just scarred me for life

Actually her mom was a tight end before giving birth, but now she is just a wide receiver.

#2: You are scarred for life, now shut up and take it like a man.*

xGet_Over_It 0

Lol, alright bitch. Calm your panties down :)

OMG that is so gross. Then again, I'm a sexually stunted 12 year old, so what would I know?

music_in_my_ears 8

You would kill your mom because she flashed your dad? Seriously? What the hell is this world coming to.

emily4040 18
roaminginsomniac 0

She's nasty for flashing him in a room where her own kid was. She needs some psychiatric help. Move out!! No wonder your dad ignored her. NASTY!

FYLDeep 25

Was is just the tities or did you get the full body WA-BAM!?

What the eff... Your mom must be really mature, OP.

in every thread involving nudity in any way, there will be at least one person who says this.

Dude, I feel so bad for you. Nobody wants to see their mom flashing her boobs around. She's a dumbass for doing it with you in the room. I mean, she isn't my mom, so it would have been okay if she did it with me in the room.

Haha, uhh... Sorry I'm down for seeing a milf's boobs?


what if his mom is like 89 years old? hmm? haha

#35, if that's the case, then I lost all reason to be in the room when the sag flash occurred.

so now you know how you came to be. your parents were drunk, and looking for a little more fun before passing out. was mom drinking again? if she is a MILF your friends are really going to like your house.