
By Anonymous - 28/02/2015 14:16 - Denmark - Nørresundby

Today, I sharted during my wedding vows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 718
You deserved it 5 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks in every aspect . Hopefully it wasn't loud and smelly. At least you'll forever have the wedding film to have a good laugh in a few years.


Dodge4x4Ram 46

white dress is probably your enemy right now

Not a good time to make such a gamble. Sorry you lost op

Inlaws' first impression? Check! Low expectations? Check!

SilverDragon03 17

I'm sorry but, no girl deserves it!

really?? like really?? That's disgusted! why even attempt a fart, in a church, on the alter, beside a priest, in front of all your family and friends, saying your vows to the love of your life and future wife. No sympathy for you!

I'm really hoping this is sarcasm; because nerves can cause an upset stomach before some people even realize it's happening. That is worthy of sympathy!

You are so ignorant if you are disgusted by someone farting. It is a natural part of life for both sexes and sometimes the timing just can't be helped. It is unfortunate that this happened, but in no way, shape or form is it an appropriate judge of character of the OP. Grow up. My brother died on his wedding day, I would have much rathered witness him shart.

both of you were clearly raised with no manners. there's a time and place for everything. And I'm truly sorry to hear about your brother, that's awful. I ment no offense in that regard and when you put things in perspective there are a lot worse things that can happen. IMO that was the height of rudeness nothing else

miss Moody just viewed your profile there... far from manners you were raised with them pictures. there's specific websites for you..

I was raised by an Italian family, so I was raised with exemplary manners. There is a difference between having good manners and being unable to control a natural bodily function. There are two sphincters in the rectum- one with no control; and the other that can be controlled with the exception of being violently ill. A nervous stomach is a clear exception. I believe the height of rudeness is having no empathy- especially when you've not taken the time to properly educate yourself on the human anatomy and bodily functions. I am now through feeding a troll. Trolls are best fed by feeding their own brains. You might want to consider working on that. Have a lovely and educational evening!

Could be worse could've sharted while consummating your marriage lol

A shart in front of 2 people with a bathroom nearby and presumably no soiled clothes...or a white dress in front of a large audience staring at you during moments you're supposed to reflect on fondly. Hmm. Hard to choose.

Don't worry, years from now you two will look back and get a good laugh out of it :) but for now, FYL indeed.

That moment you realize you're wearing your white tux.