
By jakestorm - 04/09/2019 20:00

Today, my girlfriend texted me to pick her up some medicine because she’s "all plugged up." When I arrived with laxatives, she yelled at me. She meant her sinuses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 696
You deserved it 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ehh, OP kind of guessed right. Plugged up I think of Constipation, Stuffed up I think of Sinuses. I personally don't think OP's GF used the correct general term.

Madison Gliosci 16

Okay I totally would’ve assumed the same thing


I feel bad for you OP, I really do. however, ydi for not asking for clarification first.

Karan1358 9

He didn't want to embarrass her by asking since she didn't clarify that her sinuses were plugged. Most people don't clarify stuff when it's about their private parts or the situation is embarrassing

it's his girlfriend, she is texting him, he could have asked if it was sinuses or otherwise.

Ehh, OP kind of guessed right. Plugged up I think of Constipation, Stuffed up I think of Sinuses. I personally don't think OP's GF used the correct general term.

Similarly, OP’s gf should have clarified. The idiom for constipation is “plugged up,” the idiom for sinus problems is “stopped up.”

Mungolikecandy 19

The usual term for troublesome sinuses in my neck of the woods is blocked. The only use of plugged up I have ever heard is constipation related.

I think SHE deserved it for not giving clarification

Madison Gliosci 16

Okay I totally would’ve assumed the same thing

Well, at least you have them for future need.

What medicine do you take after a gang bang?

Lovebunny21 6

Plugged up means the nose is stuffed up. Backed up means you can't poop. It's not that hard to figure out.

ViviMage 38

Biiiiig difference between "all bound up" and "all plugged up!"

bullshtbrenda 2

IDK if u're for real or just joking but this is too good either way