
By Anonymous - 20/11/2014 20:15 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boss said he's worried about our network, becausen "WiFi's all in the air. People could spy on us from anywhere!" I sarcastically said, "My god, you're right!" and suggested switching to tin-foil ethernet cables to stop the signal escaping. He told me to do it ASAP. This moron makes five times my salary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 913
You deserved it 4 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should ask for a raise, he might be stupid enough to give it to you


juststephhere 23

Haha maybe you can do stuff like that more often and get a promotion or raise.

This is the problem. Stupid people are running companies.

He's not necessarily stupid. He just doesn't know much about technology.

YDI for mocking your boss, rather than calmly explaining the situation.

That's actually called CAT6 or CAT6E. Your boss isn't that dumb

A few things in error with your comment: 1) The boss was clearly responding to a suggestion to shield the cables so people cannot spy on them through the Ethernet - something that does not happen (you would have to be very close to the cable to be able to do anything and at that point you could just tear off the foil insulation). Therefore the boss was being stupid in that regard 2- CAT6e is an incorrect marketing of CAT6a... Look things up before you post them.. 3-Although it is true that CAT6 and CAT6a can come with internal shielding, this shielding is mainly to prevent random outside EM interference and to improve network speeds. Further, the more common shielding is to prevent EM interference between the wires in the cable. Neither of these (as stated in 1) are the cause the boss asked for Ethernet shielding) 4) CAT6 and CAT6a are a specific protocol of Ethernet cable that cannot be made in a DIY fashion. Especially not by only covering it with aluminum foil. 5) chances are, depending on the establishment, they already are on a CAT6 or CAT6a cable, as CAT5 and CAT5e are starting to be outdated... There would be no need for further insulation if that is the case. Also, I'm not trying to rage, just pointing out some flaws. Thanks to all those that read this whole thing!!

There are no cables- it's wireless (and before you say it's not, from modem to router, it's clear from the FML that that's not what he meant.) So you would install CAT6a cables that go to everyone's computers, and not have to put tinfoil on old cables. More to the point however, unless this "Boss" is the head of IT, it's not really his job to know if installing CAT6 is a joke or not- he raised a legitimate concern about security and instead of an explanation got a suggestion to shield the cables. It's not any more weird, from his perspective, than switching from TKIP to AES-CCMP. (it IS a lot more expensive, but he probably doesn't know that)

Well just do it...he may promote you if you keep giving solutions to his issues

You should do it and then show his boss the extra cuts and his understanding of wi fi spying.

Steve95401 49

OP - are you sure we don't work together? Your boss sounds like some of the well-paid idiots I work for.

Obviously you don't work for a company based around IT. More info is needed to know if your boss is actually a moron, or his salary is warranted and your attitude towards him isn't.

Might be time to setup a vpn or a cisco firewall better yet just give him the bill for what you need for example new Server