
By Anonymous - 20/11/2014 20:15 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boss said he's worried about our network, becausen "WiFi's all in the air. People could spy on us from anywhere!" I sarcastically said, "My god, you're right!" and suggested switching to tin-foil ethernet cables to stop the signal escaping. He told me to do it ASAP. This moron makes five times my salary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 926
You deserved it 4 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should ask for a raise, he might be stupid enough to give it to you


Maybe you should ask for a raise, he might be stupid enough to give it to you

OP should use his boss's stupidity for his own good. Survival of the fittest.

OP's boss is both seriously gullible and seriously paranoid.

Move everyone to Ethernet, lock your device MACs to the WiFi, enjoy high speed connectivity without anyone else hogging your bandwidth and ask for a raise because you "protected" the entire office! Win-Win!

i guess you taught him a very valuable lesson: wireless internet can have wires! ouuu spooky this isnt even funny why am i still posting

And if that doesn't work, maybe have him ask Santa for a new magic wired internet connection!

Wait, this is sarcasm, right?... That can only mean...Wired internet isn't real?!

PSYqualiac 17

#10, The wired internet is just the cake reincarnated. We all know the cake is a lie.

Don't confuse the electronically challenged people, it makes like more difficult for anyone that has to help them in the future...

Life *** more difficult for future people .... Not one nazi corrected me . Amazing

You should tell him you need a brand new computer to do the job

I don't see how age is a factor here. The boss is old enough to be employed, and whatever age that may be doesn't affect his stupidity. He's just stupid, no matter what age.

T_Young96 13

Not necessarily. Most older aged people aren't as tech savvy as the younger generation. That doesn't make him stupid just unaware of today's technology and depending on this guy's job he may not be required to know today's latest technology. So really.. Who's the stupid on here..

#20, that makes sense. I thumbed myself down, because now that I think about it, if his boss were older it would make sense. I had some different kind of logic that doesn't really make sense now... l Sorry.

21- You restored some of my faith in humanity. It is not often someone admits their own mistakes on this app. Kudos to you!

Dr Phil here : glad to see you worked things out #20 your going on to better things

T_Young96 13

I like you #21. Your a cool dude! Let it be known in this day!! FML has finally completed a knowledgable and decent debate without use of profanity, name calling, or sarcasm.. Here's to you FML!!! Progress March on!!!

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#62 It's actually happened quite a few times, it's always nice to read :)

tony1891 22

next step. wearing tin foil hats so the aliens can't read your thoughts.

Murilirum 23

The struggle is real. I know the pain of dealing with tech-insufficient people.

cmchappy 25

If he worked for a tech company he would be drowning in irony