By Jota - 23/10/2017 19:00

Today, I was doing a job interview on Skype when my roommate decided to reboot the wireless router because "the internet was too slow". The interviewer didn't bother calling again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 262
You deserved it 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not to sound rude, but the call process should work both ways. He probably didn't call back because he thought your internet was out. Did you not try calling them back? I'm assuming Skype still works the same way it did 10 years ago.

Rachael Ferguson 10

You say the interviewer didn’t call you back, but did you call them back? That’s what you should’ve done.


Not to sound rude, but the call process should work both ways. He probably didn't call back because he thought your internet was out. Did you not try calling them back? I'm assuming Skype still works the same way it did 10 years ago.

Rachael Ferguson 10

You say the interviewer didn’t call you back, but did you call them back? That’s what you should’ve done.

If you’re sitting on your ass waiting for them to call back, that tells them all they need to know about your initiative and enthusiasm for the job.

Lobby_Bee 17

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Your plan should be to show some initiative and show you actually want the job. Live and learn.

This is an FML but adding to the other comments, you probably should have told your roommate before starting the phone interview. I've had phone interviews before and each time I tell everyone in the house which room I am going in and to not bother me unless it's an emergency. I hope you were able to call them back and explain that you were having internet problems.

I agree with a lot of the post. You should have let your roommate know you were doing a skype interview. And if you were having internet prombems (even though you roommate rebooted the modem) you should have Skype him back or at least called worst case the would have just done the interview over the phone. Stuff happens but getting back in touch can show your interest in the job. Im currently try to get a job and I did a video interview and haven't herd anything back in a week but the job is still posted so I sent a Facebook message and they told me to to email and I was also able to get a work number to call so I will be doing that in the morning.

I guess you could interview this whole incident as a learning opportunity.

He wasn’t interested in hiring you in the first place. If he really wanted to even consider you as a potential candidate, he would have called back or sent an email to reschedule.

onceuponatime456 16

Did you bother to inform your roommate that you would be doing an interview on Skype? It is not the responsibility of the interviewer to call you back so this is all on you!