
By Hari - 07/11/2021 20:01

Today, it’s my second week at work. I received a phone call from corporate HQ that they wanted to make our monitors wireless, so they wanted me to cut the red wire from the main monitors. I did so, and my boss walks in, furious. Turns out it was a set up to see if I’m “that gullible.” Yes, I was fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 692
You deserved it 1 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of shitty company is this???

Tech work is not for you. Get involved with the organization of a would-be dictator. Your gullibility would be a big asset!


Tech work is not for you. Get involved with the organization of a would-be dictator. Your gullibility would be a big asset!

I’m going to say you don’t deserve it, because the same thing could have happened to me. I’m guessing your thought process was “Do they really want me to cut that red wire? Seems kinda sketch, but if I question them I’ll be fired, so I’ll just do it.”

wysegirl 24

Maybe because I've had a job for so long but tech support normally comes and deals with the wires themselves due to liabilities.. Sucks that this happened but maybe you should find a different field to work in.

What kind of shitty company is this???

Usually they send you to the tool crib to get an ID 10T bolt or a "bolt stretcher" and then just have a laugh at your stupidity. Things are a lot meaner now!

I have news for you - Never cut any wires unless you are a technician and know what you are doing. If something needs disconnecting, that’s what the connectors are for. Disconnecting a connector causes no permanent damage, cutting wires does. And by the way, there are some connections that should never be disconnected (Iike at a central computer server) except by someone who knows exactly what they are doing. Obviously you were sabotaged and it wasn’t by who they said they were. It was either because they don’t like you or just because they get off on causing trouble. While it’s unfair that you were fired for falling for a stupid “prank”, you should have at least asked someone else before doing something sketchy like this no matter what the person on the other end of the phone said.