Benny Goodman classic

By Anonymous - 24/02/2021 17:00 - United States

Today, like every other day for the past two weeks, my husband was not in the mood for sex. He told me this while masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 292
You deserved it 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

It’s unfortunate for you, but I get it. Sometimes you just need to rub one out real quick and you’re not in the mood to expend all the energy of foreplay and *******. I’ve experienced this personally, especially in the pandemic. It could be a combination of lethargy, low blood levels such as vitamin D (haha), or even depression. Really, it sucks for both parties. I hope you guys can work it out. Maybe talk to him about it, get him on some multivitamins, and encourage him to have a more active lifestyle so he has more energy. If it’s a mental health issue such as depression, he could also possibly benefit from seeing a therapist. Depression is on the rise with so many people stuck at home these days. On the other hand, antidepressants tend to lower sex drive. Yay. Good luck, OP.

Jon Tessler 14

I am on antidepressants for PTSD, it can give you low sex drive and ED as side effects, which in turn can make you even more depressed. for me, I need them or I go "manic" in a couple of weeks without them. so I am stuck in a vicious cycle, I would love to have sex with my significant other, but I also have zero sex drive to do so. start by asking him if you can help him while he masturbates, or simply join him and do it together. talk to each other, about the issue or it will only get worse in the long run.


Ray McKigney? My Seinfeld peeps will love this!

Marcella1016 31

It’s unfortunate for you, but I get it. Sometimes you just need to rub one out real quick and you’re not in the mood to expend all the energy of foreplay and *******. I’ve experienced this personally, especially in the pandemic. It could be a combination of lethargy, low blood levels such as vitamin D (haha), or even depression. Really, it sucks for both parties. I hope you guys can work it out. Maybe talk to him about it, get him on some multivitamins, and encourage him to have a more active lifestyle so he has more energy. If it’s a mental health issue such as depression, he could also possibly benefit from seeing a therapist. Depression is on the rise with so many people stuck at home these days. On the other hand, antidepressants tend to lower sex drive. Yay. Good luck, OP.

Jon Tessler 14

I am on antidepressants for PTSD, it can give you low sex drive and ED as side effects, which in turn can make you even more depressed. for me, I need them or I go "manic" in a couple of weeks without them. so I am stuck in a vicious cycle, I would love to have sex with my significant other, but I also have zero sex drive to do so. start by asking him if you can help him while he masturbates, or simply join him and do it together. talk to each other, about the issue or it will only get worse in the long run.

diraven 15

Two weeks without sex is nothing when you've been married for a while

giraffe_poop 8
bobsanction 18

Rub one out and quit complaining. You aren't entitled to sex.

scruffymankillem 1

honestly most men are bad at sex, and that's usually not an issue for guys as long as he feels some type of effort, but chances are he felt like he's been doing all the work anyways, why spend 30 mins trying to get you off so maybe you'll do the same, when he can worry about himself in 5m. try making him feel sexy for a change and stop trying to be pillowed

tounces7 27

Try offering to do most of the work, IE, get on top or such.

giraffe_poop 8

I fiercely love and hate this reply at the same time, lol.