Holy shit

By embarrassed - 04/01/2016 17:58 - United States - Garden Grove

Today, I was in church. During the prayer, I moved my foot and it pressed against the automatic button on my umbrella causing it to suddenly open. As if that wasn't bad enough, I screamed simultaneously at the shock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 026
You deserved it 3 400

Same thing different taste


You can run into the priest's arms, it's ok don't be alarmed. Come with Him. There's no distance between God's love.

ArmchairAnalyst 9

That's what you get for participating in organized religion..

ThatLonelyGuy, theres pretty much none here. But there are people bashing OP for going to church -_-

Railroader 16

really? I just read through the comments and I don't see any bashing,

Flagging comments is a great thing. There have been a few saying that believing a religion is crap, what they teach is garbage, ect. I don't like anyone pushing their beliefs on others or being condescending, Christian, atheist, or any other.

It's ok OP. If your church is any bit as boring as mine, it was probably the most fun everyone had that day.

you probably need to find a new church, if you are bored I would imagine it's hard to focus on the preaching

This girl had a total freak out during bible study at church camp. We were having the study in our cabin and a couple months before she'd seen the movie Arachnophobia, and apparently there was a spider in her bed. She jumped to another bed and had her friend shake out her sleeping bag.

scrollingthru 10

was it right at that moment when everyone is quiet including the priest/preacher/reverend? That's the perfect time for a commotion.

In my church everyone would have thought the good lord had reached out and smacked you.

streetvybz 8

should have ended it with a hallelujah