By Mangled Shoelace - 02/02/2017 23:00 - United Kingdom - Renfrew

Today, I embarrassed myself by screaming for help in a crowded mall when my shoelace got stuck at the top of the escalator. Someone behind me kicked the shoelace and it came out easily. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 201
You deserved it 2 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good thing it did come free, because if your foot got stuck in your shoe when the escalator tried to pull it under, it could have fractured or twisted something. Also, ignore the people making fun of you, they probably wouldn't handle the situation any better. They'd probably handle it worse, even.

Sounds like you were pretty tied up there, OP!


Nice going OP, how'd you manage that one? =P

Sounds like you were pretty tied up there, OP!

Seems like someone should've tried before they cried!

The other person was at s different angle,waning they very well could have had an advantage for getting enough force to yank it free. What would you have OP do? Use the foot their standing on to try to kick the trapped foot loose? Because that isn't how physics work.

What are these things on the ends of my arms? There's 5 digits on each and being at the end of such long appendages, it's almost like they could be handy for grasping and pulling things. I might even be able to remove footwear quickly if I used them cprrectly. In fact, they're so handy that I'm going to call them hands.

wow that is the most sarcastic comment that I have ever read. congrats, have an upvote

Usually when a shoe lace is caught so badly as to be "mangled" the person attached is too busy either: trying to keep themself upright by holding onto something- especially when the shoe lace is being PULLED trying to pinwheel their arms to keep their balance. So it's almost like their hands were almost certainly occupied.

Good thing it did come free, because if your foot got stuck in your shoe when the escalator tried to pull it under, it could have fractured or twisted something. Also, ignore the people making fun of you, they probably wouldn't handle the situation any better. They'd probably handle it worse, even.

You did not embarrass yourself... accidents on escalators are more common than we imagine. You just should be more careful next time!

Definitely not embarrassing at all. I would been freaking out myself if that happen to me

it could have been really serious. lucky you

I don't blame you for screaming, OP. Just thinking of what could have happened sounds terrifying.