Grow up

By phreshrice - 07/04/2009 21:41 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because apparently I need to "grow up". He's the one who excessively plays Call of Duty and still has Pokémon and Bionicles in his room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 966
You deserved it 22 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude, your boyfriend broke up with you and you posted a whiney FML about it? Who -really- needs to grow up?

Yep, you definately need to grow up. There's nothing wrong with playing video games and having 'collectables' (aka Toys) as long as they don't take over your life. Your childish reaction to this breakup shows me that you need to grow up regardless if he does or not.


cxal_fml 0

maybe so but whining about your breakup on here is immature, so by turning it into a FML you really did make a situation that wasn't FML into a FML

NOTHING'S WRONG with Pokemon. The games are actually too awesome for someone who isn't ignorant to not like, I'd say.

If those things make him so immature then you must have low standards to date him in the first place, and then the audacity to use it against him afterwards, lulz

**** that, i played call of duty with my boyfriend today, play pokemon with him all the time and build legos together. doesn't mean we don't have our shit together and pay our bills

yeahreally 6
Icalasari 0

#27 - You can make some wicked things with Bionicle Anyways, Pokemon is immature? Considering the fact that, in the latest game, you are taken to an antimatter world and have to fight the Pokemon version of Satan, who was banished for his violence, well... ...Then again, some 5 year olds apparently watch R rated movies, so =/

@93 damn straight. Misty and Brock never gave up on Ash.

Go cry about it, you probably do need to grow up. #14, #8, #5, and #4 all together would make the perfect comment to this FML.

lifesabit 0

Lol.... I still know people who play pokemon, a few buddies, heck I know a prof who plays pokemon (he plays it with his kids.... and alone lol). And I'll play pokemon from time to time.... and I play supersmash too..... OH NOES! HE PLAYS VIDEO GAMES! SO IMMATURE! You know what I have found? Its the immature people who have to deem something immature to validate their maturity and self worth. Look in politics, religion, etc.... the real immature people are the ones who truly believe that everyone should live by their standards and their standards alone. The ones who can act adult (ie: be responsible) AND do their hobbys are the true mature people. As long as you are a responsible adult I don't give a **** if you watch ******* sesame street. You are mature. FYL because you will never see who the immature one really is.

kandy_fml 0

95. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you. However, I think the sender realizes that these things do not mean he is an immature person in general. As i stated before, I think she just finds the entire situation ironic because he broke up with her not being mature enough, but he however still plays children's games.