Grow up

By phreshrice - 07/04/2009 21:41 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because apparently I need to "grow up". He's the one who excessively plays Call of Duty and still has Pokémon and Bionicles in his room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 966
You deserved it 22 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude, your boyfriend broke up with you and you posted a whiney FML about it? Who -really- needs to grow up?

Yep, you definately need to grow up. There's nothing wrong with playing video games and having 'collectables' (aka Toys) as long as they don't take over your life. Your childish reaction to this breakup shows me that you need to grow up regardless if he does or not.


Call Of Duty is the greatest thing to happen to the video game world. and i bet you complained about it for hours to him and he got fed up with your bull. the pokemon and stuff yeah i understand that. but you just need to not be a whiny bitch.

OperationNicole_fml 0

When you grow, you'll realize that keeping toys and playing games is not necessarily a sign of immaturity. He was probably right (or maybe you nagged too much!).

Call Of Duty is, in agreement with #134, the best thing to happen to gaming... There are, which im sure, MILLIONS out there wasting hours away playing that game... Ranging from ages 6yrs old to 57yrs old... How do i know? because i have a friends nephew age 6 and a friend age 57 whom play... So it doesnt make him immature at all... Bitching at him however... a different story...

silverashes 0

a) if you don't like his hobbies/interests, why exactly were you dating him? b) is it just me, or are these FMLs getting more and more boring...i used to literally laugh out loud reading them, now i just think to myself, 'what an idiot.'

Savvy89 0

Listen to this song and feel the emotion Flight of the Conchords- Hurt Feelings then go play WoW and tell him you are grown up now =)

Now guys we gotta look at a more important issue here. Does he play Cod 4 or 5??? and does he a) use rocket propelled grenades b) always go in a tank or c) use the m16 gun If the answer was yes to any of them you should've dumped his ass a while ago. LOL

Pokemon and I think you're better off without him.

I still play Pokémon. I don't think there's anything wrong with video games. It's just a way of entertainment. Really... I'm surprised he trusted you with that. I don't tell anyone I know in person unless they start the conversation. You need to be a bit more open-minded. -_-

Agreed with pretty much everyone, you're the one that needs to grow up. You can't take not being the center of every little bit of his attention? You can't handle being dumped? You whine on a website about it? Seriously, shit. He deserves a medal. And Call of Duty owns all. Suck it suck it bang bang.