By w00tz - 27/03/2009 05:12 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me over the phone. He said there was someone else, and that he has been in love with her for a while. Turns out, the new girl was his online video game character. I got dumped for a video game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 99 793
You deserved it 9 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The guy broke up with her. Over the phone. For a fictional woman. Why would you want to "be serious" with a guy who does that?

and this is when dating nerds can backfire.


Well, if you're serious about it, make a character on the same game and play with him, might be fun for both of you... If it's not worth it start looking for someone else.

The guy broke up with her. Over the phone. For a fictional woman. Why would you want to "be serious" with a guy who does that?

After rereading this FML, this guy makes no sense. He's a failure as a man.

Video games and boyfriends don't mix... lesson learned.

he gotta be having some phycological problems lol he is really really weird lol IT'S A ******* VIDEO GAME WTF!!!!

Whoa. If this is legit then your really better off without him. When he is older and lonely fapping away in his parents basement to midget **** he will look back and regret dumping you. It's his loss, not yours. Got out there and live life. Either that or play World of warcraft. That should take your mind off of... well everything else for a while.

You're boyfriend is an idiot. Ask him if his "new girlfriend" can give him sex

frosty16 0

Wow, be glad your not with him anymore. This shows he likes imaginary things more than reality.

ozac 0

haha. true #3. i second that. I actually saw a list of video games on a link off MSN once that basically dealt with the top 10 video games to hide from your girlfriend because of the fictional female characters in them and how well they were designed. They were told to hide them because of situations like this, but when you choose something fictional over something real, A. you're not thinking straight and B. you probably need help.