Grow up

By phreshrice - 07/04/2009 21:41 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because apparently I need to "grow up". He's the one who excessively plays Call of Duty and still has Pokémon and Bionicles in his room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 966
You deserved it 22 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude, your boyfriend broke up with you and you posted a whiney FML about it? Who -really- needs to grow up?

Yep, you definately need to grow up. There's nothing wrong with playing video games and having 'collectables' (aka Toys) as long as they don't take over your life. Your childish reaction to this breakup shows me that you need to grow up regardless if he does or not.


dude, my bf broke up with me cuz i need to grow up too! hes just makign up exuses cuz he told me one day he played Halo 3 for 8 ours straight the other day... number 4, u DO suck.

haha aw, that sucks. I think he was just fishing for an excuse. :/ FYL I agree with #15 though, don't be bashing CoD! I'm a girl and it's my favorite game series ever. Try it sometime. Then, kick your ex's ass at it. ;)

Roxas_fml 0

There's nothing childish about video games, hun.

UltimateIdiot911 0

You don't understand the meaning of maturity do you? Being mature has nothing to do with what one is interest in. It's no different from a guy who chooses to be a sport fanatic and workout a lot. Maturity is the ability to act like an adult when necessary. You aren't acting very mature by assuming he is not mature because of his hobbies.

mvfootball2008 0

There is nothing wrong with call of duty. I play everyday and it doesnt ruin my relationship or school. I still get legos for christmas. doing that is not a reflection of your maturity

piderman13 0

i have never played with any of the 3...however i know that when girlfriends get on your case about something you like its annoying. SO, it is your fault. You need to learn to chill out and let your next bf have his hobbies Otherwise you're always going to expect guys to change, and you will never be happy with who you are with.

Your interests don't make you immature, how you respond to events in life make you mature/immature. Whining about your relationship problems on the internet makes you immature. As I always say, if you're a gamer, only date other gamers! No one else will understand and they will post how much their life sucks on FML because you play games more than you give them attention.

makjon86 0

what's wrong with doing what u like and not caring what others think? Maybe you're childish because you don't realize this.

About 10 years ago, pokemon was ridiculously popular, and I'm sure has some very fond memories about it. There is nothing wrong with having keepsakes to remember your childhood. PS: Lego is just awesome. The sheer amount of useful/fun things you can make with it boggles the mind.