Fictional main character

By Sadface - 06/12/2009 17:34 - United States

Today, my 15 year-old son told me he had his first kiss. I told him how I was the same age when I had mine, and then I told him all kinds of wild stories about things I did in my childhood and college life. Truth is, I made them all up. I didn't get kissed till I was 24, and laid till I was 28. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 947
You deserved it 14 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you even lie about that? I don't understand parents that worry more about looking cool to their kids rather than being a good role model to them.

You didn't have to lie. Your son didn't ask you about anything. You could of said "sweet!" and moved on.


Atleast you are settled now. So its alright.

that's only sad if you were actively trying to get kissed all those 24 years, and laid those 28. if it's been from keeping chaste that's a heavy duty accomplishment, and you have more self-control than more than half of the American population. lying about it is pretty sad though. FYL because you're so insecure about it.

YDI for not wanting your kid to do better than you...and for lying about it. Can't forget that part.

Peeps lie too much, theres simple shit thats easy to get your head around like simply not lying to your kids, and not being a ********, what is it that people dont get this shit?

lol everyone here talkin bout "waiting for it" is a moron ! ure just to ****** nerdish to get jiggy !!!!

Sugarlips_xo 0

Booooooooooooooo go apologize and tell him the truth. Raise him with some morals. $tup!dfuck$, good women like morals.

dudeitsdanny 9

People who refer to morals as a general, objective concept is more of a stupid*** =)

Way to be a great role model. He'll go off thinking, "Since my dad did it, I can, too!"

Sarunas23 0

i feel sorry for you... TIP: ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH!!!