By lolfayce - 06/12/2009 18:37 - United States

Today, I was at the costume rental shop I work at, when I saw a kid trying to walk out the door wearing what appeared to be one of our fake monster claws, so I chased him down and grabbed it. It wasn't. It was his prosthetic hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 658
You deserved it 36 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually, it could be a justifiable resemblance, and as someone who's worked in retail, I can understand. I've seen and dealt with plenty of juvenile delinquents in my day. On the other hand, you don't grab at or tackle a person committing a crime unless they're hostile, much less a kid. That was foolish.

I think the poor kid has to write up a FYL now! :-(


I think the poor kid has to write up a FYL now! :-(

according to the comment list you're #5, therefore you can go **** yourself.

youaresofucked 0


nateb1tch 1

Today, I was browsing through costumes for Halloween and nothing caught my eye. As I was leaving the store, an employee randomly came up to me and tried to yank off my prosthetic hand. I have to pay for a new one. FML

Heather Locklear leads the NBA in blocks per game.

Actually, it could be a justifiable resemblance, and as someone who's worked in retail, I can understand. I've seen and dealt with plenty of juvenile delinquents in my day. On the other hand, you don't grab at or tackle a person committing a crime unless they're hostile, much less a kid. That was foolish.

123456789ABCDEFG_fml_fml 0

douche. dont just grab a hand off of someone

brodizzle 0

you were a shop today? FYL indeed

Disbelief1 0

YDI for just grabbing it, you don't just grab people like that even if he was stealing something you should have just asked him politely if that was his. I hate people who just assume shit and then just act out on it. when you assume you make an ass of u and me and if that would have been me you graves you would have those fingers to type the FML

If that was me you grabbed you wouldn't have those fingers to type this FML correcting my last post Iphone changing words again

well done, you just crossed a line into completely useless. FhisL

Haha. I'd fml too if I were a costume rental shop.