Fictional main character

By Sadface - 06/12/2009 17:34 - United States

Today, my 15 year-old son told me he had his first kiss. I told him how I was the same age when I had mine, and then I told him all kinds of wild stories about things I did in my childhood and college life. Truth is, I made them all up. I didn't get kissed till I was 24, and laid till I was 28. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 947
You deserved it 14 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you even lie about that? I don't understand parents that worry more about looking cool to their kids rather than being a good role model to them.

You didn't have to lie. Your son didn't ask you about anything. You could of said "sweet!" and moved on.


so your son tells you the truth and to pay that back you lied? be proud of youself.. you can officially say you failed at parenting today.

okay thats just plan pathetic you were unsupportive and selfish your son came happily to you to tell you about his first kiss from what i read you said thats great! when i was a kid I got my first kiss to oh and back in college....... its stupid you mise as well say i dont care lets talk about me. what are you happy bunny? really though there was no need to lie you could have made it his moment not yours... you my dear are pathetic

You didn't really need to lie to your son. I mean, I bet he only wanted your opinion/advices on HIS experiences. He didn't need to know anything about yours, especially something made up. FYL for taking that long to get to know the best parts of life, though. Poor you.

Wow, way to set an example. It sounds like you're trying too hard to impress your son, instead of you know, being a parent and having a two sided nonfiction conversation..

FYL for being ashamed of that. There's nothing wrong with not having been kissed, especially over 20 years after your first

I don't get it? I mean WTF? Why would you make a story up? That's sort of tarded, in my opinion.

waterynuggets 0

Really? Trying to out-do your own child? You're pathetic.

Dcvictorious 0

So? No worries. You have a kid now, must be doing something right. But tbh, why tell him wildstuff, after all todays youth are apparently the cause of global warming, death and premature ejaculation.