Fictional main character

By Sadface - 06/12/2009 17:34 - United States

Today, my 15 year-old son told me he had his first kiss. I told him how I was the same age when I had mine, and then I told him all kinds of wild stories about things I did in my childhood and college life. Truth is, I made them all up. I didn't get kissed till I was 24, and laid till I was 28. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 947
You deserved it 14 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you even lie about that? I don't understand parents that worry more about looking cool to their kids rather than being a good role model to them.

You didn't have to lie. Your son didn't ask you about anything. You could of said "sweet!" and moved on.


And you had your kid when you were 29. Haven't been laid, since... right?

Don't lie or share gross stories to your kid.

At least your not a 40 year old virgin......are you?

OMG Your kid kissed a girl earlier in his life than you! Oh no Your world is coming to an end! Seriously dude? This isn't an FML. You need to get over it. And you're responsible for raising another human life? No wonder the youth of today are so screwed up with parents like you.

redshortsx 0

YDI for being ashamed of that. and dude kids don't want to hear about the crazy things their parents did in college. we don't want to know about the threesomes, the gay experimenting, or origis. we dont even want to know about dad sneaking into a strip club when he was 13

Better fess up to the kid right away, or you will find it more and more difficult to have an honest conversation later on. And just wait until your wife hears those stories. Hopefully you can make it a lesson that guys always lie about their exploits he shouldn't try to keep up with other kids' stories.

xxmadicxx 0

he's fifteen and he's getting his first kiss?Not trying to be mean but I got a two second one in 1st grade And a more serious first in 6th grade.maybe that kinda stuff is different in different places.cuz at 7th grade we started getting pictures taken mid-kiss by our friends

I'm guessing you're still in middle school?

who cares... it doesnt matter when you did anything... all that matters is you have a child

I'm 20 and feel weird that I've never had a gf, first kiss, cuddled, etc. I don't lie about it though. If I have to go another 4 years I'm gonna go crazy.

Been there. Turned 25, then I gave it up to the first thing willing and remotely attractive... regretted it before i was done, and by done, I mean I kinda just stopped because I wasn't into it anymore. 3 months later, I got a girlfriend and made it count, and wished I could have held out a few more months to lose it.