Fictional main character

By Sadface - 06/12/2009 17:34 - United States

Today, my 15 year-old son told me he had his first kiss. I told him how I was the same age when I had mine, and then I told him all kinds of wild stories about things I did in my childhood and college life. Truth is, I made them all up. I didn't get kissed till I was 24, and laid till I was 28. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 947
You deserved it 14 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you even lie about that? I don't understand parents that worry more about looking cool to their kids rather than being a good role model to them.

You didn't have to lie. Your son didn't ask you about anything. You could of said "sweet!" and moved on.


Im keeping this a a reminder to not **** up like that.

bizarre_ftw 21

It's cruel to mention but.... I was thirteen ^_^ (exactly actually, it was on my birthday)

Guess you can imagine to be the stud you never were. ;p

u should be a good parent and not rncourage him into that ijs...

Well, chin up! At least you have a kid!

It's amazing how many people think that getting laid is the only good thing life has to offer. Seriously, people. Go outside and live a little.

predavlad 3

Well, if you got laid since then, it's fine :)