Fictional main character

By Sadface - 06/12/2009 17:34 - United States

Today, my 15 year-old son told me he had his first kiss. I told him how I was the same age when I had mine, and then I told him all kinds of wild stories about things I did in my childhood and college life. Truth is, I made them all up. I didn't get kissed till I was 24, and laid till I was 28. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 947
You deserved it 14 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you even lie about that? I don't understand parents that worry more about looking cool to their kids rather than being a good role model to them.

You didn't have to lie. Your son didn't ask you about anything. You could of said "sweet!" and moved on.


why didn't you tell your son the truth. to be honest you just screwed yourself and him over!!!!

blairvic 23

Being a 13 year old girl, if my mom told me she didn't have sex till she was 28, and didn't even kiss till 24, I would be like, wow, loser much? But, she told me about her first kiss with my dad, and I know she definitely had sex by the time she was 19, cause that's when she had me when she was 20. And, I think of my 'rents as my pals cause they're funny and young and cool. Even then, my friend thinks of her parents as her friends too, and her parents are in their middle 40s to middle 50s, so, if you were atleast about 24 (or older) and your friend told you how the hadn't kissed, or they haven't been laid yet, I know that most people would lol. They would think of them a little differently too. But ofcourse they would still be friends. Besides, this is a sad FML. PS. I could imagine the kid one upping his dad now! "Hey dad, you know how you were telling me about that 4 way you had in the back of your mustang? Well, I had a 5 way in the back of Kellys VW beetle!"

keynotespeaker6 0

you poor man...I honestly feel sorry for you  it's a shame you lied to your son though. I hope you remember your lies or just tell him the truth. better for him to find out from you then someone else. good luck!

hallucinog3n 0

...please tell me you're joking. OMG NOT SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE! what year do you think it is?

FYL I got my first kiss when I was 12. haha. ouch.

shaniecerb 0

ydi for thinking its appropiate to tell your 15 year old shit that he shouldnt be doing till 3 or 4 years from now.i-di-ot

Friedgerbil 9

Honestly, why'd you lie? What did you think would have happened if you told him that...oh wait, I think a few problems could sprout from "I didn't get laid til' i was 28".