By inappropes - 03/01/2017 23:40 - United States

Today, I came into work early to clean equipment, with my headphones on, singing to myself. I lost track of time, and wound up with the entire office watching me belt it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 133
You deserved it 1 595

inappropes tells us more.

Haha this got published. So I turn around and the 8 people I work with started to clap. They said I have a good voice as well. I think they were most interested because I am usually pretty reserved and quiet. They invited me out to karaoke this weekend lol! And I was singing Johnny Cash songs btw. My voice is fairly deep so I think I can do his amazing songs justice.

Top comments

The song is vital to this because if it is for example Thunderstruck, my dear you have nothing to be ashamed of

Repeat it tomorrow, but put out a tip box for laughs.


"What's love got to do, got to do with it?"

Repeat it tomorrow, but put out a tip box for laughs.

Well, now that they are watching, strut your stuff!

The song is vital to this because if it is for example Thunderstruck, my dear you have nothing to be ashamed of

Haha this got published. So I turn around and the 8 people I work with started to clap. They said I have a good voice as well. I think they were most interested because I am usually pretty reserved and quiet. They invited me out to karaoke this weekend lol! And I was singing Johnny Cash songs btw. My voice is fairly deep so I think I can do his amazing songs justice.

<p>Honestly, I can see myself doing that.</p>