By man - 30/10/2009 16:34 - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend was giving me amazing head. I was really getting into it, when she looked up, and gave me a thumbs up. I can never take oral sex seriously again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 122
You deserved it 23 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jw90 18

Quit your ******* complaining you got head!

Who cares if its serious or not, its amazing head and she's into it. Turn in your man card for even caring.


At least she didn't put two thumbs down, and giggled a little.

areforever 0

#99, You're too young and hopeless to know, so I'll put it this way: SHE WAS PUTTING HER MOUTH ON HIS WEEWEE AND MOVING HER HEAD UP AND DOWN.

LMAO Way to explain a ******* to little kids. XD

jw90 18

Quit your ******* complaining you got head!

wow you're sad..your girlfriend is giving you a ******* and you're life is screwed because she gave you thumbs up while sucking you off? seriously? you must have some kind of hormonal imbalance...

Although I'd feel the same way in your position, you have an awesome girlfriend.

Phil_McCracken 0

Who cares if its serious or not, its amazing head and she's into it. Turn in your man card for even caring.

bahahahaha. **** yeah. that's awesome. haha fyl dude.