No thanks!

By Anonymous - 23/05/2022 09:00 - United States - Spokane

Today, my husband thought I might want to get intimate. I've never seen someone vacate a room so quickly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 013
You deserved it 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If husband has health issues or is on certain medications, he might have problems with being able to perform sexually. That’s not something a man likes to admit, even to themselves, much less to their wife. Talk to husband about this in a non-judgmental way. There are often medical solutions to this medical problem. If this is the case he needs to see a urologist - That’s within their specialty. Or if it’s a current medication issue (many antidepressants have similar effects) then he should talk to the prescribing doctor. Most of the time these problems can be solved, but it requires honesty and openness.


Is your husband secretly gay, and trying to hide it?

If husband has health issues or is on certain medications, he might have problems with being able to perform sexually. That’s not something a man likes to admit, even to themselves, much less to their wife. Talk to husband about this in a non-judgmental way. There are often medical solutions to this medical problem. If this is the case he needs to see a urologist - That’s within their specialty. Or if it’s a current medication issue (many antidepressants have similar effects) then he should talk to the prescribing doctor. Most of the time these problems can be solved, but it requires honesty and openness.