Don't mess with gamers

By bbedlock - 16/04/2011 12:35 - Australia

Today, after receiving the third call this week from teachers about my son falling asleep in class, I decided that it would be a good idea to hide his Xbox controllers. He decided it would be a good idea to hide my diabetes medication. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 639
You deserved it 19 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

goodfella925 0

**** that, smash that xbox to the side of his head:/

That's bad parenting, plain and simple. Any kid raised right would never dream of pulling a stunt like this, especially when it puts his parents' health at risk. You brought this on yourself. Now it's up to you to set him straight before the nasty behaviour gets worse.


NoFackYourLife 0

This kid doesn't need his xbox controllers taken away, he needs his ass beat... where's the father in this situation?

monnanon 13

If children are taught correctly in the first place there is no need for a paddle or any other "beatings". A kid that does something bad enough to deserve a beating with a belt is already a lost cause and btw all I got was the occasional grounding and I have never done anything like OP's son or drugs or got pregnant at 12 or any of the other crap people like to tie to bad parenting. I am now 24. Just because some parents cannot disipline properly doesn't meant that naughty steps and groundings don't work. That is exactly what I will be using when my son starts his terrible twos.

legitney 0

Now, that's what I do to my parents! Give him the controllers and your problem is solved. I took my moms toilet paper while she was preparing for a colonoscopy so. be thankful.

okay that's not even funny. I have been through two of those in my lifetime and they suck you're a complete ASS if you'd seriously do that do you have any idea how much you have to suffer for that test?! no. you don't. immature little f***

SashaIsPhat 0

I'd probably use what ever was valuable to you to wipe my ass if you were my child and did that to me.

Now, that's what I do to my parents! Give him the controllers and your problem is solved. I took my moms toilet paper while she was preparing for a colonoscopy so. be thankful.

why is everyone against the son? to a child am xbox is just as important as diabeetus medication. as a previous poster tried to say...give him a bed time. instead of jacking his shit make him turn the controller in at a specific time. I couldn't help but vote that you deserve it.

I doesn't say how old the kid is so he could be in his early teen years for all we know. If such is the case then he would be old enough to know that X-Box is not equal to a medication that keeps a person alive. The other thing though is that if the kid's response to having the controllers taken is to hide medicine his father needs to live, do you really thing he's going to "turn in" the controllers at night without a fight? I somehow doubt it since he seems to feel so strongly on the subject.

tripleshame 3

You're the parent, take frickin control of the situation.