By kcd - 23/02/2009 14:41 - United States

Today, I saw a girl texting at school. I told her she might want to put her phone away before she got a detention. She turned around and I saw she was changing her insulin level on her pump. She has diabetes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 868
You deserved it 57 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

An "Oh sorry" would have ended this drama.

I am guilty of the exact same thing. A friend of mine has diabetes. Once, we were at Subway and he pulled out his insulin pump to check it. I said, "Oooh, nice mp3 player." "That's his insulin pump." "It's my insulin pump." "OH CRAP." It was hilarious. Though it doesn't hold a candle to the time a friend of mine said to a person with horrible burns on their face, "Nice face paint."


#3 that was mean. it was a silly mistake and they feel bad about it. they where meaning to be helpful so it's all good.

why don't you shove pixie sticks down her throat while you're at it

An "Oh sorry" would have ended this drama.

blacklagoon_fml 0

Haha that's what you get for being one of those obnoxious people who tells other kids what to do. You probably had a bitchy tone. I read this and thought it was a teacher.

That kinda sucks, but FML has really picked up and better stories should be making it in, no offense. Who's moderating these FMLs?

hayleyyy 0

Yeah, uhm, how the hell does an insulin pump look like a cell phone? I have one myself and it looks NOTHING like any cell phone out right now. Not even old ones.

Well it does look suspicious when I'm on my insulin pump behind the desk.. It looks exactly like texting.

My best friend has an insulin pump and it's looks exactly like a flat screen phone. Just because you've never seen something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Mads_1234 28

I have one and people ask me all the time why I have my phone out. It can get very annoying, so I am going to say YDI, OP.

The omni pod looks sort of like a bulky phone

Diabeetus 0

why would you care if she was texting someone? goodness, tattletale fyl indeed. you sound extremely uptight and annoying to be around.

simplysmile 0

assuming this is a fellow student, it was an honest mistake and it was probably said in hopes to flirt a starts up a conversation at least...and serves for a laugh. If the girl has any humor whatsoever she could come back with a joke and its all done with.