Dad jokes

By Dinger1992 - 23/10/2012 13:19 - United States

Today, my dad was teaching me how to drive. He told me that stop signs with white outlines are "optional." I ran through the next one I saw and got pulled over by a cop. My dad is making me pay the ticket for being "that stupid." Thanks dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 123
You deserved it 41 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KalCountry76 12

You should read the Driver's ED manual again.


Ydi. Stop signs are never optional. Some are not technically legal, but they're there for a reason.

ZK, you get kudos just for using the correct forms of "there" and "they're". Thank you.

This is an old joke! It's been around since before I was learning to drive, 35 yrs ago! If its true, then OP you deserve it! Didn't you study the manual at all??

My friend did that to me when I first got my license! After blowing about 5 stop signs I did realize though.

If you don't even know that you HAVE to stop at every stop sign, you probably shouldn't be on the road yet. I'd study your signs, and the "rules of the road" before attempting that again. Also, you're dad is an asshole. But YDI.

ethan417 3

Moron feel for that back in high school and we ended up in a bad wreck.

Are you sure you weren't really giving him road head?

Please never get on the road ever again.

KM96 24

Gets out of the car and storms into the house. "FINE! I'll just get mum to teach me then!"

ok your dad's an asshole, but before I was even allowed to get on the road with my mother, she made me read my states DMV handbook. And come on, a stop sign?? Aren't they all outlined in white?

They also come in different sizes. So no, you don't get a pass if someone tells you "the smaller ones don't count".

That's a total freaking face palm there OP. You deserve this one. Lmao you really shouldn't be getting your license right now. Wait a year or so lol