Dad jokes

By Dinger1992 - 23/10/2012 13:19 - United States

Today, my dad was teaching me how to drive. He told me that stop signs with white outlines are "optional." I ran through the next one I saw and got pulled over by a cop. My dad is making me pay the ticket for being "that stupid." Thanks dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 123
You deserved it 41 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KalCountry76 12

You should read the Driver's ED manual again.


How can anyone really be this stupid? I mean, didn't you pay attention to when your Dad was driving? Have you ever seen him plow through a stop sign and say "Well, that one had a white outline, so that one was an optional one."

Mademoiselle_fml 34

There was another FML on here about exactly the same thing... huh. Too bad you hadn't read that one before this happened, huh?

Hey, just think, OP: if they were optional, why would the government waste money making them in the first place? You can pretty much stop anywhere, so does that mean we need an "optional" stop sign in every street? Your father's prank doesn't even make any sense. You just needed some more logic to see that. ;)

confusdsincbirth 5

OP is an idiot; whether he/she is a gullible teenager or not, this is ridiculous. Generally when a large, red sign says STOP in big capital letters, you listen. Kids usually learn that cars stop at all stop signs when they're young, plus, didn't OP notice that all stop signs have a white border..?

Really, people? Does nobody else remember being young? The feeling of 'I don't know what the **** I'm doing'? It's easy to look back as an adult and say that's stupid, but at the time you're thinking, 'I don't know what the **** I'm doing here, so I'll trust my dad.' Really, how many people pay that much attention to what stop signs look like before they start driving? Hell, I've been driving for ten years and I probably couldn't've said that all stop signs have white borders. OP isn't stupid, just young. OP's dad is a dick

Kristoffer 35

The only stop sign that's optional is the one that lacks the red octagon shape to it.

jesse900961 3

Red lights with a yellow light under them are also optional