By Anonymous - 13/08/2010 14:16 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Wick - 26/05/2009 19:47 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 06:07 - United States
By newdriver - 11/05/2009 00:55 - United States
By tramplily - 17/11/2011 05:43 - United States
By randinosaur - 13/03/2011 12:48 - United States
By imnotcool - 16/04/2009 05:08 - United States
By annoyed - 10/02/2009 03:59 - United States
It wasn't me, officer
By wrongcar - 03/11/2009 18:00 - United States
By MomStayOutOfTheCar - 04/08/2015 04:23 - United States
Oh, the irony
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
Top comments
yeah that sucks. you should pay more attention.
Srsly, he's going to get himself in a wreck if he's really taking that much attention away from his driving. YDI OP
wonder if its against the law in ur state to talk on phone and drive.....well ur an idiot for not payin 100% attention to the road
guess one just isn't enough for you :P
19, WTF?
oops. I shouldn't be feeding trolls.
this is a repeat from the same person
29 I still want your babeh
ur probably not even a ****** smartass
44 how about we just make a baby of our own
Haha! This is too funny... YDI x 10. Haha you shouldn't even be answering a call when you're driving.
most, if not all, road encounters I've had were with women and I must say they might as well wear diapers and suck on a pacifier. pretty crazy. the other day I was cut off by an suv in my Mazda 6 and was almost sandwiched between it and the concrete divider in the highway. I had to turn away a little bit, depress my horn and floor the brakes almost hitting the divider anyways! when I pulled up by the driver, she was all nonchalant about it. I nodded my head in disgust the whole way home loll. and no I'm not sexist, I find humor in this with all the women I know
LOL sorry 50, im taken :P and yeah, my boyfriend almost gets in a lot of wrecks cause women arnt paying attention. im a woman, and i admit, some of us suck as drivers. even i suck XD
$640 for not getting into an accident? I would say MLIG for that. Can you imagine if you hit some kid on a bike cause you were speeding? Count yourself blessed and pay that fine with a smile in your heart!
haha 84, I read the first part of the post and I was like "stupid asshole" :) very convincing! :D
YDI for getting caught.
84. you almost has me there...
I hope the judge laughs at you about your second ticket.
I'm like "wdf??!?" But then i read the jk , lmaooooo but seriously, i was on the sidewalk, and something told me to walk a different direction so when i turned and walked a little, a woman crashed right where i was standing -.- and then she didn't even say sorry to an old guy who was there, she was just arguing about why he was standing there. lmao smh
YDI OP!! You'd have to be going a LOT faster than the speed limit to get a $300 ticket! Stop being so irresponsible.
bloody idiot. who answers their phone in the car?
i would have laughed too
and write all that just to say that you were kidding ?Tonto!
Luck plays no part here. Bad things happen to him because he's a dumbass
^You realize the author of that comment did not write •Comment moderated", yeah?
Comment modderated.
would have been funny except the spelling error makes it look fake.
YDI. If you can't multitask, don't do it while driving! Plus you shouldn't be on your phone while driving anyway.
... Usually I find FML audiences excessively harsh on blaming people, so I'm a little weirded out that - assuming this holds, it's early days yet - people aren't YDIing this one hard. Srsly, talking on the phone whilst driving at a speed fast enough to get a ticket, and not paying attention? What a fucknugget. [Edit: she says, just as the YDIs overtake the previously-hugely-outnumbered FYLs.]
YDIing this one hard xD
11: OP's a Masshole. The FYL option shouldn't even exist on this one.
YDI for being retarded and not paying attention I hope they take your license away

you deserve this so much hahaha
You weren't paying attention? That would be totally awesome if you did start paying attention on the road, or stop driving until you do.