Dad jokes

By Dinger1992 - 23/10/2012 13:19 - United States

Today, my dad was teaching me how to drive. He told me that stop signs with white outlines are "optional." I ran through the next one I saw and got pulled over by a cop. My dad is making me pay the ticket for being "that stupid." Thanks dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 123
You deserved it 41 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KalCountry76 12

You should read the Driver's ED manual again.


obviousboy 8

Trolling someone you're teaching to drive about the rules of the road seems just as intelligent.

"Thanks dad"'re an idiot. You definitely deserve to pay it. YDI

Your dad taught you a valuable lesson, don't trust anyone, even your dad, when someone says as stupid as that.

Your dad is right. He was just making a joke, my mom and I joke about how many 'points' a person or object is if I were to hit it and she's done the same stop sign joke but its obvious joking.

sumbum95 15

Umm.. Wouldn't you know that it's not "optional". It's common sense.. Maybe you shouldn't be driving.

Cassandrax731 5

And how did you get your permit?

Perdition25 12

He should have at least paid half of it, she is just learning to drive. Are you going to blame a kid for saying that 2+2=5 when the teacher told him or her that is correct even though the text book says it equals 4? Her dad is a horrible person who doesn't know when to make joke. Also, she is a teenager, common sense rarely applies at that age.

maronofhearts 19

Yeah the only difference is math can't run people over and kill them. Rules of the road are available for free OP should have read them front to back multiple times and known a basic rule like that by heart. The fact that he was stupid enough to fall for it proves she's not ready to be driving. What happens when her friends tell her dumb shit is she gunna fall for that too

Are you kidding? Comparing a math problem and common sense English of the word stop doesn't compare lmao

88: If common sense doesn't apply at that age then maybe OP shouldn't be driving at all. I didn't lack common sense when I was a young teenager, and I'm sure most people in general had common sense at that age. If the OP doesn't have common sense, they will be a very dangerous driver.

Perdition25 12

How long have you people been driving? Not long I would say, because you would know the majority of teen drivers SUCK at being behind the wheel. Since you must be new drivers, I am sure you remember that learning to drive was a fairly stressful time. Common sense is hard to come by under stress. So someone has to have faith in their dad to tell them the right thing. Plus, it was not a comparison to math, it was an analogy, retard...

andrealovvve 17

You ARE that stupid for believing that.