Thanks for the support, guys!

By pinkpanther61789 - 17/10/2019 14:00

Today, for the first time in months, I wore my naturally curly hair instead of straightening it. Later on at work, a customer pointed at my hair and said, "Look, Bellatrix fucked a poodle." All my coworkers laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 750
You deserved it 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't pay them no mind. They're probably jealous because they don't have curly hair or wish to have hair like yours; so they joke about it. I bet your hair is beautiful. Don't let them bring you down. ❤️

Sorry about the haters, but I'm sure your curls look lovely! I may be biased (my hair is very curly) but I think you should stick with your natural curls, straightening takes such a toll... there are some great methods for supporting and enhancing your natural hair so that it will look as "presentable" as a straightened style... and again, forget the haters and be happy! and curly!


Don't pay them no mind. They're probably jealous because they don't have curly hair or wish to have hair like yours; so they joke about it. I bet your hair is beautiful. Don't let them bring you down. ❤️

Sorry about the haters, but I'm sure your curls look lovely! I may be biased (my hair is very curly) but I think you should stick with your natural curls, straightening takes such a toll... there are some great methods for supporting and enhancing your natural hair so that it will look as "presentable" as a straightened style... and again, forget the haters and be happy! and curly!

**** those dim wits women with curly hair are far more beautiful than women with the standard straight hair, straight hair is so common and overrated let those curl's be free and natural 😉

This is the kind of thing that Retail workers shouldn’t have to still their tongues around customers for. Anyone insults me, I’m not taking shit.

Sady_Ct 37

This is exactly why all business should have security cameras, and make sure they record sound! Customers suck, they lie and they are rude assholes. I got sacked from a store with no cameras cos a customer said I threw something at them, they had a witness too. I wasn’t even on the island at the time and could prove I wasn’t, but without camera evidence, I got ****** over.

Mungolikecandy 19

When I worked in retail many moons ago, my manager banned customers who tried to bully the staff.

I hope you mean EX-coworkers. They're a bunch of idiots. You can't get someone's hair texture by having sex with them. Duh! If the customer has said, "Looks like Bellatrix's mom ****** a poodle," that would be one sick burn.

Aww, don’t let them get to you. Curly hair can be beautiful! People put down the things that threaten them. Chin up, love!

bobsanction 18

Bellatrix was ******' hot tho.

That's so strange. I absolutely love curly hair and have always wished for it. Luckily I now have a bf with a huge curly fro that I can't stop playing with. Sure, lots of people straighten their hair these days, but I thought the natural look was in style as well. If not, it SHOULD be!