Dad jokes

By Dinger1992 - 23/10/2012 13:19 - United States

Today, my dad was teaching me how to drive. He told me that stop signs with white outlines are "optional." I ran through the next one I saw and got pulled over by a cop. My dad is making me pay the ticket for being "that stupid." Thanks dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 123
You deserved it 41 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KalCountry76 12

You should read the Driver's ED manual again.


your level of stupid doesn't even have a name. Your like a special kind of stupid.

Despite all this, you are pretty stupid OP

That was pretty stupid. But mean for your dad to do that to you.

Did he tell you that Stopping for a cop was also "optional"?

OP, as much as you deserve this one, go over chapter 3 of your handbook again. In fact, feel free to go over the whole thing. My dad did the same thing to me at one point and I fell for it. I suppose I can chalk it up to pressure of the moment but it's still no excuse looking back. I had to sit and read over the whole drivers ed book again while highlighting the important information and then his work book on big rigs. I'm getting off topic here, the point is, your dad probably did it to test you and the cop was just a more than unfortunate addition. Your old man sounds like he wants you to be aware and responsible for your actions behind the wheel

To get a learner's permit, you have to pass a written test. There are free manuals to help with this. Did you skip reading it?

154rct 7

Hasn't this FML been posted on here before?

you're learning. and that's part of his process of teaching you? doesn't sound very effective...