By Betrayed - 27/08/2012 06:11 - United States

Today, I attended my college roommate's wedding. We were best friends for 4 years, but have only talked occasionally since graduation. I was looking forward to meeting her new husband, having heard so much about him during our conversations. Turns out she forgot to mention he's my ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 167
You deserved it 2 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

osf777 2

Is anyone else wondering why she didn't receive a wedding invitation, that clearly would have both parties names listed? I guess she probably received a casual invite? But I digress.

If she knew he's your ex (which was probably the case), she's really insensitive for not telling you.


icrest80 4

Lol 15 your picture matches my reaction to 2s comment

15- What I meant was, it's been 4 years and he's changed physically, she may not recognize him, therefore its not her fault she didn't know he was her friends ex.

If she knew he's your ex (which was probably the case), she's really insensitive for not telling you.

3 Perhaps he's an ex from when they quit being roommates. I think what I said makes sense I just woke up so it may not sorry.

If you're not sure what you typed made sense the reread and evaluate before you hit send!

ThePsyche 9

Ouch. :/ I would just leave the wedding op to not have to face all the emotional drama and memories. Go home, oh, but buy yourself some ice cream. Ice cream fixes everything. :)

I think ice cream will hardly fix anything in OPs situation. Her life is indeed ******

Oh you and your ice cream lol.... I hope it's that rainbow sherbet :P

Must HAVE* not of. Why is it so ******* hard

Gondile 4

simple really people say must've but some translate that to must of because it sounds the same.

You would think people would realize how stupid that is. It doesn't make any sense.

I'm sorry, English is not my primary language. Maybe I should just stop commenting...

osf777 2

Is anyone else wondering why she didn't receive a wedding invitation, that clearly would have both parties names listed? I guess she probably received a casual invite? But I digress.

I was. My conclusion was that either he has a common name or that she knew him by another name (nickname, maybe) but your suggestion is plausible as well.

Same page. Invitation, read, gasp! As for casual invite to a wedding, maybe if it the groom inviting a bro, but the bride inviting her roommate? Heck no!

Maybe she was to nervous to tell you, and felt that you might stop talking to her if she brought it up? Either way it was still a terrible thing to do.

EvilPotato, that's a name I haven't seen in a long time, or should I get my prescription checked out?

Cowboy1986 4

Your comment goes with your pic haha

16 it's been a while since I've been active. I wish it was like the good ol' FML days with the old commentators. Not to say there aren't any good new ones of course.

It's a human thing to do. Your friend married him; they have something real. If you hadn't yet, now's the time to get over him. Move on, and be happy for them.

He is your x anyways. Why you got bothered.

Your english got bothered me!!! Geezus!

Omg 8, those profile sperms are so cool.

KiddNYC1O 20

One woman's trash is another woman's significant other.

Don't feel bad OP. Shes got your sloppy seconds.

I... honestly don't know what the FML is. Unless the husband is OP's ex-husband, in which case that makes a lot more sense. But ex-boyfriend? I dunno, that doesn't seem too terribly awful to me.

I can see why it would be awkward if it was a non-amicable break-up, but otherwise, yeah, I don't get it. Just be polite and unless your ex is High God-Emperor of the Collossal Jerks, it should go fine.

And I honestly don't know why it would make a lot more sense if it was her ex-husband instead of her ex-boyfriend. What's in a name? OP has shared a history with that guy, it sounds like common courtesy to me to tell your friend if you're going to marry their ex, especially when you invite her over for the wedding.