Beam me up!

By saynotochrispine - 28/07/2009 04:15 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that we could try living out one of his fantasies. When I showed up ready to go, he began playing the theme song to Star Trek and asked me to call him Mr. Spock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 300
You deserved it 7 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think your boyfriend is awesome and I will try to be just like him one day.


beaniebabe 0
CynicComedian 2

You should pretend to be Sulu and let him **** you in the ass.

lolatflyingducks 0

That's actually pretty awesome. It could have been FAR worse.

Your boyfriend is a genius, and I'm going to steal his idea. But, since I'm more of a Next Generation fan, I'll be Data and my gal can be Tasha Yar. Set phasers to THRILL!!!

Roawr 0

That is very, VERY sexy. Did he dress up like Spock and everything?

This is NOT an FML! I ask my BF to be spock for me all the time... Girl, Smart=Kinky and vulcans are damn smart... You get my drift right? And Spock is hot in both the orignal series and the new movie Spock is hot, I'll say it again and again! Need I go on?

If you were pretending to be Kirk, I think it would've been okay. Seriously, your boyfriend is awesome. Totally not a FML.