By anonymous - 25/10/2010 21:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend suggested we imagine each other as someone else when we had sex. I imagined he was Tom Cruise. He imagined I was my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 923
You deserved it 8 853

Same thing different taste


pooper191817 0

Tom Cruise has nothing on me. One at a time ladies.

ladies_man217 0

what about me? I've heard I'm quite the ladies man...

ChubbyCake 5
KiddNYC1O 20
zkchild 0

Be open minded and make your boyfriend happy. Invite your bestfriend to join next time.

oshi16toofly 0

if your gonna imagine they're some one else they might as well be some one else. ydi

cantfightfate 0

ydi for imagining he was Tom cruise.

how the hell did you think that was a good idea? i would never suggest to my boyfriend that he imagine i were someone else during sex. i mean, i'm one of those girls who thinks sex is very intimate and important in a relationship, so i'd flip a shit if he told me he was imagining anyone but me. and i don't think he'd be too pleased if i imagined someone other than him. this was a recipe for disaster. ydi.

Malsain_fml 10

#118 Agreed. And if he ever wanted to imagine it was someone else, I don't get the point in telling the other. It can only hurt.

pooper191817 0

people tell me all the time that I look just like Tom Cruise

sweetcheeksjvl 0

Hmmmm...I think he's trying to tell you something.

It's called being realistic. He is and you want to have sex with a lunatic.

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#3 thou hath no brains? You live in a double-standard world, hypocrite. Why is imagining an idol any "better" than imagining someone closer to home? What the hell is wrong, with all these dumbasses nowadays living in hypocrisy..

jrgr 6

it's still not good to imagine anyone else other than your bf/gf when you're having sex, but him imagining her best friend is a little worse because now she's gonna feel uncomfortable when she's with her man and best friend at the same time for obvious reasons. Plus, it's unlikely that she will ever even meet Tom cruise lol.

What's up with you using language from the 1700s?...........

Screw TomCruise-ism. Oh, right. And OP, you might want to look into why he imagined your best friend.

jack_bandit 0

cause she's probably really good looking? lol

Well duh. I meant that more in the fact that he's more prone to cheat, so she should be careful. He may already be doing something without her knowing.

littlemissdqgirl 8

Maybe, but hopefully her best friend has enough respect for her/and herself to stay away from him. It's sad how many people cheat and how many back stabbing "friends" are out there.

I think she already knows all that stuff..hence the reason she put it in her post.

jmart110 0

Hmmm.. Makes you wonder..eyy?

garrettjordan 0

she is saying eyy like canadiens I think and don't kill me over my spelling I'm on my stupid iPod touch

my2centsworth 15

Spelt is a grain grown for livestock feed.

my2centsworth 15

I was unaware that humans consumed spelt. I was also unaware that it could be used as a past participle for the word spell. That means I was uninformed; it does not mean I am ignorant. if I refused to learn, or was incapable of learning, I could reasonably be called ignorant. i will admit to a degree of arrogance. it is not, however, overweening and can be forgiven as most people possess a certain amount of that trait. As to the availability of information about different spellings and usages, I don't spend an excessive amount of time glued to my computer (although I do enjoy this site, obviously). I actually did look up "spelt" in the online dictionary and found only the usage I cited. I have since found the other usage.

my2centsworth 15

I apologize for the lack of capitalization. I was not wearing my glasses and could not tell that the "I"'s were not capitalized. It was not due to a lack of concern. On another note, I have missed your long-necked friend's input. Will he grace us with his presence soon?

my2centsworth 15

As I stated, I actually did check before I commented.

5/61/76 - It's "eh". Coming from a true Canadian...

jmart110 0

Hmmm.. Makes you wonder..eyy?

haha that's what you get for playing alone

Sun_Kissed18 25

This, that was a terrible idea to start with... Assuming you meant Along*? because alone doesn't make much sense

Jup, this was a terrible idea. I am trying, but I simply can't find an answer that wouldn't hurt.

FreshSalad 1

Don't let them get you down. Stick to your guns!