By Ah - 08/03/2010 05:42 - France

Today, my boyfriend said we should re-enact a porn episode he saw. I jokingly said yes. He had an outfit and everything. I thought it was going to be fun, until he started playing Bon Jovi in the background. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 838
You deserved it 6 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anonnamus 0

What's wrong with Bon Jovi?!?!?!

Give it a chance--He could have played Hannah Montana and put on a dress. Count your blessings!


Anonnamus 0

What's wrong with Bon Jovi?!?!?!

InCaged_Insanity 0

woah ohh were halfway there

the_boob 0

how can anyone NOT like Bon Jovi? ******' freaks.

sami1994 0

I have to agree Bon jovi is pretty awesome =] how did that ruin things???

livluvlaff8 0
iHyuMeng 0

"playing in the background" OP's boyfriend "Alright let's do this, you will finger yourself to my Bon Jovi music"

Agreed that Bon Jovi is not that bad. What were you hoping for - Barry Manilow? Besides, re-enact means to duplicate. Did you not get a copy of the script?

pepper3434 0

Eh... I wouldn't agree to anything at all lol

yourlifesfucked 0

bon jovi rocks, but its not the type of music id wanna get laid to. for instance, springsteen kicks ass, but its not that type of music, yknow?

zzyber 4

well of course they don't like Bon Jovi...they're French...they hate everything!!! FYL for being from France...

Pearljammer001 0

BON-JOVI=**** YES me loves "slippery when wet"

Pearljammer001 0

but in this case I guess it's more like "sticky when wet"

cater2U 0

so what he played a song by a band you're not into there's no fml here there's just a big whiny baby. why don't they have a stop whining button because that's what most of these fmls need

i think the person means that Bon Jovi is in no way related to what they were going to do so it ruined it when he started playing it.

I guess I know how she feels a little bit, I would leave right then and there if you put a lady gaga song playing, but nothing wrong with Bon jovi, bad taste

AnonymousGalifrey 1
u_killed_kenny_ 0

what is wrong with Bon jovi? don't be a hater

apoll 0

Bon jovi sucks. if I was the op I would play eminem or usher

M4V3R1CKR13 0

#19 has a point but bon jovis not that bad

XYZzzzzzzz 0

And now there is something WRONG with BonJovi??? no. there is something wrong with YOU. ya

YDI for not liking bonjovi I mean who doesent like Bon jovi?

lol 98 :P bob marley and pornos don't mix

cater2U 0

28 OP isn't from France that's the default location.

infernofalcon 0

@101 Or do they!? I ****** the sheriff! but I didn't **** the deputy. No oh oooooh!

she thought it was going to be fun but when Bon jovi started playing it was going to be super fun

I love Bon Jovi songs(no ****). However, I wouldn't want to get laid to it. Barry White or Santana's Europa might be a great pick ;)

ahahah! that's what I thought when I read it!! :P

right whats wrong with bon jovi i like him

slappygecko 21

both of those guys suck...

fth_morgan 3

Are you dissing the Bon man bro!?D:

fth_morgan 3

Hahah then you've obviously never felt a ****** before cause there not stick.... Or atleast they shouldnt be.

Give it a chance--He could have played Hannah Montana and put on a dress. Count your blessings!

InCaged_Insanity 0

or he couldve played "**** in my pants" ...

kooner55 0

that's sounds pretty good to me

InCaged_Insanity 0

I would of gone with 1980s funk (: just saying

crailboyne 0

Whoa, wait, I don't see how it got unfun.

Bon Jovi hasn't made music for pornography since the eighties.

I met Bon Jovi one time. he was really really short. it was pretty funny.

InCaged_Insanity 0

Pills make you look like the backstreet boys

so you're letting him watch **** in a relationship, go die in a hole troll

iHyuMeng 0

What's wrong with watching **** in a relationship?

Anonnamus 0

What's wrong with watching **** OUT of a relationship?

I'm with 14. No **** for my man unless it's for educational purposes. Jerking off? I think not. I like you, #14

Tikwichka 5

She deserves to die because she allows him to watch ****...can you explain your logic (or lack of) to me? What is wrong with anyone watching **** whilst in a relationship?

I would have no problem with my bf watching ****. I don't see the big deal. He thinks I am testing him when I say this and claims he doesn't watch it since we started dating lol. I don't know whether he has or not but its weird that he would think I would get upset. However, it depends on how much of a jerk the boyfriend in question is. I have a friend ... well, more of an acquaintance and her bf is always comparing her to **** stars and making her feel bad about her body (and possibly technique, although she only mentioned looks to me) by saying things about her ass, boobs etc. So, yeah, if the guy was gonna be a jerk like that, I would be against it. But if its not harming anyone, then why not?

At #44: lol, I never said she deserved to die because she let her man watch **** while being in a relationship and nor do I think it's wrong to watch it. But I don't know why, I'm just not okay w/ my man watching another girl naked and getting a boner. I mean it's not the end of the world if he does but I'd prefer he not. Some relationships can handle it while others can't.

And #47: One reason I'm a bit "meh" when it comes to this: because of guys like your friends bf. Obviously not all guys are like that and infact, **** can be educational if you can move on from the fact that it's acting/makeup and a ton of plastic surgery but truthfully I don't understand why people in a relationship would need to watch ****. At least not for jerking-off purposes. And I may sound crazy but I hope that made a little bit sense, lol.

aylaa89 0

What's wrong with watching **** while in a relationship? I allow my boyfriend to do it, hell I'll even watch it with him. Stop being a bitch, I'm sure your boyfriend watches **** whether you know it or not.

Okay, thank you for allowing your stupidity to seep through. That is all.

haha, yeah, I would be extremely surprised if your boyfriend doesn't watch ****, MQ

Since my boyfriend and I got together, his **** watching habits went down, while the frequency of my **** watching went up. Neither of us have a problem with it (:

Tikwichka 5

MQ - Sorry, my post was a reply to #14

At #47: Surprisingly my dude totally understands why I'm not okay with it. Him and his friends were into it before and we've been together for a few years and we both are pretty up front about stuff and I assure you he doesn't watch ****. Not all guys do, especially once they're in a serious relationship. In fact, he himself likes that I dissaprove and prefers not to watch it. Shocking since I said it wouldn't be the end of the world if he did. I'll take that as a very good thing and call it a day.

Oops, my post is directed at #74, not #47. -_-

mirkatsboss 0

your so hard for popping pills bro

puffer what's wrong with watching **** and having "alone" time in a relationship? so long as it isn't excessive or in place of sex then it's a healthy thing. I still don't see this as a big deal OP- if you didn't ask about the scenario and agreed blindly to whatever he wants then just go through with doing this fantasy through for him. Not always about you- it's just a ******* song.

sourgirl101 28

In and out of love. Bon Jovi's the shit!!! Puts on a hell of a concert. Just change the music. What's the big deal? Thank you for coming.

Amen, I've seen him twice before, and both times (once with Richie, once without) he rocked the house down!