By Disappointed - 09/03/2019 18:00

Today, my brother came up with what he thought was a genius idea for how to make money. I then had to explain to him that insurance fraud is illegal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 365
You deserved it 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Illegal, yes, but TECHNICALLY a way for quick cash.

What's offensive is we have a blatantly racist and classist "justice" system! Paul Manafort's light sentence was a perversion of justice. He defrauded the government of at least $55 million and they could retry him on the 10 counts they were hung on the first time. His crimes took place over decades and for the judge to say he led "an otherwise blameless life" is an insult to poor and minority criminals who were given much more time for much lesser crimes by the same judge.


Illegal, yes, but TECHNICALLY a way for quick cash.

If you’re rich and white, it’s not very illegal. Worst case scenario: a few quiet months in a country club prison.

bloopaloop 27

Honestly, that's racist and offensive.

What's offensive is we have a blatantly racist and classist "justice" system! Paul Manafort's light sentence was a perversion of justice. He defrauded the government of at least $55 million and they could retry him on the 10 counts they were hung on the first time. His crimes took place over decades and for the judge to say he led "an otherwise blameless life" is an insult to poor and minority criminals who were given much more time for much lesser crimes by the same judge.

gobiteme2 34
Cyrus00 41

His dick may be thin as a pencil, he still brings us all pleasure.

Cyrus00 41

Well it IS a genius way to make money if your smart enough. Though maybe a little immoral.

Let's just hope you got your intelligence from your mom's side.

How old is your brother? If he is under 12 yo its understandable. If he is under is still in high-school its still kind of understandable barely but after that yeah your brother is a dumbass