
By Nikki - 18/03/2009 03:15 - United States

Today, I woke up, completely naked, in bed with a guy I met the night before. We were both drunk the night before and I had agreed to go home with him. The reason I woke up was that someone was knocking on his bedroom door. Turns out he lives with his mom and she made us pancakes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 150
You deserved it 91 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

prvag23 0

That's almost sweet that his mom made a really, really weird and completely awkward way.

Hey, you did get FREE PANCAKES. Unless the pancakes were green and filled with laxatives, I would be happy


kelseysue92 0

DUDE! sex AND pancakes?! best day EVER!

curious_missy 1

And you wonder why he lives with his mom she will be your alarm clock and makes breakfast. Also she prolly made you a brown bag lunch how sweet

Lots of guys still live at home ( especially with the current state of things here in the U.S.) plus you got sex AND pancakes out the deal. x_x now if you later find out your preggers....well that would be a FML

This comment thread was good, until the moralists showed up.

Ahhh... Aren't destructive decisions great? But HEY! Who can complain about free Pancakes? I know I can't. Nice going!

HEY F***ING STOP COMPLAINING you got to get drunk and have sex with no strings attached and you got free f***ing pancakes

#47 nailed it. Doesn't sound like your life is even remotely ****** to me. If she'd come in and slapped you, then sure, FYL. But free pancakes? Score.

Not an FML, but still funny. He's probably not a keeper, but you got free sex and free breakfast.