
By Nikki - 18/03/2009 03:15 - United States

Today, I woke up, completely naked, in bed with a guy I met the night before. We were both drunk the night before and I had agreed to go home with him. The reason I woke up was that someone was knocking on his bedroom door. Turns out he lives with his mom and she made us pancakes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 150
You deserved it 91 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

prvag23 0

That's almost sweet that his mom made a really, really weird and completely awkward way.

Hey, you did get FREE PANCAKES. Unless the pancakes were green and filled with laxatives, I would be happy


potatopeeler 0

That's not an FML at all. You did something stupid - went home with a guy you didn't know AT ALL - and you got free pancakes from his super sweet mom. FYL? FU.

starbaby 0

Actually I had a guys mom do something similar to that and it turned out she did it on purpose to teach him and the girl a lesson. The guy was weird and did this often so she did it to make the morning get out walk of shame even worse for both parties. The mom is either really cool or a huge bitch and we ALL know how mothers can be

I agree with # 23... you had sex and got pancakes... why FYL???

not a FML. who could argue with pancakes? Thats one sweet mom haha.

Went home while drunk with a complete stranger and lived to tell the tale. I'd be thanking god, not whining that you got free pancakes. Cry more.

You got laid AND got pancakes? Your life is fine, FML I didn't get either!