
By Nikki - 18/03/2009 03:15 - United States

Today, I woke up, completely naked, in bed with a guy I met the night before. We were both drunk the night before and I had agreed to go home with him. The reason I woke up was that someone was knocking on his bedroom door. Turns out he lives with his mom and she made us pancakes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 150
You deserved it 91 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

prvag23 0

That's almost sweet that his mom made a really, really weird and completely awkward way.

Hey, you did get FREE PANCAKES. Unless the pancakes were green and filled with laxatives, I would be happy


How is this an FML exactly? Sex and free pancakes? What am I missing?

Thow_it_up 0

I missed the part where this was an FML. I love pancakes.

jafar_fml 0

i wish i could get pancakes for having sex with people!

effevery1slife 0

i would say ur life is blessed... not effed

omg that is so awesome! lol Much better than his mother being a bitch about the situation lol If my mother did that when I was living at home I seriously would have busted out laughing so hard.

chaoschild101 0

if i slept at some random girls house, i would pray that the mom would make pancakes.

chaoschild101 0

if i slept at some random girls house, i would pray that the mom would make pancakes.