By Takegami - 22/11/2018 23:00 - United States - Norge

Today, I realized how alone I truly was when I caught myself talking to a podcast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 416
You deserved it 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't feel bad. It's said that talking to yourself, or in your case, a podcast, is a sign of madness, but for me, it can be the most intelligent conversation I'll have in any given day. Isn't that right, BurnInDemonFire? It sure is, BurnInDemonFire, you sexy bastard.


Don't feel bad. It's said that talking to yourself, or in your case, a podcast, is a sign of madness, but for me, it can be the most intelligent conversation I'll have in any given day. Isn't that right, BurnInDemonFire? It sure is, BurnInDemonFire, you sexy bastard.

MannyWasHere 12

Get a mic and start your own podcast. Podcast are people just talking into a mic!!

I do too, nothing wrong with it. It's only if you start thinking they can hear you too that there's something wrong. And if you can't be alone by yourself you have bigger issues than talking to a podcast eh