Explain yourself

By Embarassed - 13/08/2021 18:01

Today, I received pictures on my phone of my husband leaving a hotel with a young lady. Upon confronting him about it, he told me it was his “twin brother.” When I brought up that he was an only child, he said, "Stop believing shit people tell you unless it’s coming from me" and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 291
You deserved it 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fake News! If there's suddenly a twin brother that you've never heard of before, then he must exist. It's the new technology of lying that Trump perfected and popularized: when your lie is exposed, repeat it louder and more angrily. The goal is not to get your opponent to believe it, but to crush their will to resist the deluge of bullshit.

"Forget about the evidence!". Wait, is OP dating the dude from the MikePillow BS symposium?


Fake News! If there's suddenly a twin brother that you've never heard of before, then he must exist. It's the new technology of lying that Trump perfected and popularized: when your lie is exposed, repeat it louder and more angrily. The goal is not to get your opponent to believe it, but to crush their will to resist the deluge of bullshit.

"Forget about the evidence!". Wait, is OP dating the dude from the MikePillow BS symposium?

Husband’s lying reaction just proves that there was something going on that he’s not proud of. Not cool and not smart! I assume you already know what comes next - as Dear Abby used to frequently say, “Are you better off with him or without him?”

Jon Tessler 14

now you tell him "you didn't tell me this, but I hear you are getting a divorce", as you hand him the papers.

ElijahAsh 14

If movies have taught me anything, it's that he's learning to dance for your anniversary and she's his instructor.