
By dr immature - 23/12/2013 23:11 - United States - Washington

Today, I diagnosed a patient with a spastic colon. For some reason, the term "spastic colon" has always amused me, and I burst into uncontrollable laughter as I said it. By the time I managed to stop laughing, my eyes were watering and my patient was visibly angry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 406
You deserved it 48 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm glad to see doctors still find medical terminology childish


ViviMage 38

You make money than I do and you laugh at a patient's clearly embarrassing condition?? You should start pretending to be a duck!

Must be hard being a doctor. Everyone expects you to know everything, be serious all the time, never make mistakes and generally not be a human being.

maybe you should have gone into a different specialty. just sayin.

Oh lighten up ppl! He thought it was funny and so do i! Get your panties out of a bunch! U ****** ppl need to pull the stick out of ur asshole!

Hahaha, I'm smiling just just reading it. I don't blame you, though doctors generally are a little more respectable.

Sounds like you needed to go into psychiatry! Couldn't stop laughing during that rotation!

Nothing funny about a spastic colon.. Especially during the holidays :(

I am sorry to say that OP, but in this moment your behaviour was that of an asshole. As a doctor, you should be able to control yourself in such a situation. What will you do next? Find out how funny the words "pancreatic carcinoma" are?