
By dr immature - 23/12/2013 23:11 - United States - Washington

Today, I diagnosed a patient with a spastic colon. For some reason, the term "spastic colon" has always amused me, and I burst into uncontrollable laughter as I said it. By the time I managed to stop laughing, my eyes were watering and my patient was visibly angry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 406
You deserved it 48 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm glad to see doctors still find medical terminology childish


If my doctor had laughed when he gave my diagnosis of 'spastic colon', I would have punched him in the face.

You're quite the professional, aren't you? If you were mine or a family members doctor, I would have filed complaints with the hospital/clinic, the board, & told everyone I could not to see you.

I know it was an accident but seriously??? At least 7 years of school for you to become a doctor and you can't even handle saying the word spastic?! Wtf is wrong with you? Grow up.

Although you may find the term funny, you should still able to act professional. I'm sure the patient was cracking up as well. YDI.

Doctors are human too, and shockingly NOT perfect.

Shepardspie71 8

Your an asshole and I hope that patient tells the whole world not to go to you

I can't imagine your reaction to other medical terms...

skittyskatbrat 19

With that sort of approach, it might be a good idea to apply at Gila RMC in New Mexico. They seem to appreciate doctors that don't care about patients' feelings. If you don't get it, google "David Eckert".....

I'm glad your job makes you laugh though!