By gamerlaura - 17/07/2016 22:38

Today, after a very harsh argument from my mother about her not seeing her grandchild enough, I decided to vent out my rage in a text to my friend. It wasn't until after I sent the message, that yes, I sent that message to my mom FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 198
You deserved it 7 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know that moms can be frustrating at times, but maybe she's just missing you and using her grandson as an excuse. As people grow older they start to feel more lonely. The best way to solve petty arguments is to communicate with each other.. properly, so maybe that text message isn't such a bad thing.

mariri9206 32

It's not the worst thing in the world. It'll let her know how you (partially) feel and she'll probably try to talk to you about it so you guys be honest with each other and clear the air. You guys can, hopefully, have an open and honest discussion about it and maybe understand each other better.


I know that moms can be frustrating at times, but maybe she's just missing you and using her grandson as an excuse. As people grow older they start to feel more lonely. The best way to solve petty arguments is to communicate with each other.. properly, so maybe that text message isn't such a bad thing.

The argument was "about her not seeing her grandchild enough" which means you have your argument/first sentence the wrong way around. But I do agree with your advice - maybe the text message gets everything sorted out by being a proper if inadvertent communication.

Grandchild sorry. I don't know why I wrote grandson. My point was that she's probably using the granchild as an excuse to see her daughter

I think you are the "not" in that first sentence, who's is what #7 was trying to point out to you. OP is mad at her mother for NOT seeing, in op's opinion, her grandchild enough.

Wow sorry for the horrible grammar. My phone must not like me too much. Let's try this again. #1 you are missing the "not" in the first sentence which is what #7 was pointing out. OP is mad at her mother for NOT seeing her grandchild enough. Not for being around too much.

ohh whoops.. thats my bad... Sorry about that

mariri9206 32

It's not the worst thing in the world. It'll let her know how you (partially) feel and she'll probably try to talk to you about it so you guys be honest with each other and clear the air. You guys can, hopefully, have an open and honest discussion about it and maybe understand each other better.

Always check before you send something like that. If you are going to anyway

If you feel the need to vent out your rage after a conversation with your mom, you should communicate it with her. Don't just keep it all in or vent to others.

Sometimes it's just easier to talk things through with a third party. They can often help you see both sides of the argument, and it allows you to release some frustration before you compose yourself and reply, so you don't say something you might regret to the person you're arguing with that could potentially damage the relationship.

I have the exact opposite problem with one of the grandparents. I totally understand the need to vent, especially if you have just had a conversation about it, and you need a break from it to gather your thoughts.

CliffyB03 28

I did something similar once. Thank god she's a heavy sleeper because I had to sneak into her room at midnight, and delete the text from myself. I was so nervous I'd get caught because her volume was on super loud

You know what they say, "There are no Fraudian slips."

I feel your pain. My mom is a force of nature and has made some horrible accusations about us not letting her see her grandchild like she wants. Never mind her negativity and acting like the child is hers.

Now she knows what you feel about her.

I always check the name of the person I'm sending a text to. if you have an issue with your mom, then you should arrange to talk about how you feel about what she does in a nice and polite manner. don't make her feel like the enemy though. say things like "I feel angry when...." and things like that so she doesn't feel like you are putting all the blame on her or attacking her. because when people feel attacked, they get defensive and that's when things get so much worse. good luck!