
By dr immature - 23/12/2013 23:11 - United States - Washington

Today, I diagnosed a patient with a spastic colon. For some reason, the term "spastic colon" has always amused me, and I burst into uncontrollable laughter as I said it. By the time I managed to stop laughing, my eyes were watering and my patient was visibly angry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 406
You deserved it 48 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm glad to see doctors still find medical terminology childish


tompou6 19

How the hell did you get though med school?

I have a doctor relative who is the smartest woman I know - she's won awards, been published, researched crazy difficult things, etc.... She's also the first person at the dinner table to make poop or fart jokes. Stop holding people's personal lives/personality accountable to your perception of their profession.

It's ridiculous how upset people are. Poop is funny. Especially when spastic. As if you guys don't have odd-ball moments or things that make them laugh for no real rhyme or reason. Sure, the OP should have taken a second to gather himself (as if doctors even have a spare second), perhaps...and the patient was probably more mad that it seemed like the doctor was laughing AT him for his condition rather than about the naming of the condition. Perhaps if people realized Doctors were people too, and not just drones to fix them on demand...they would lighten up

Awesome lol.. I'm in college studying to be a forgot just doing my aa right now but if I do become a doctor I will probably be like u lol

Your immaturity has brought shame to doctors everywhere.

sb601 9

Not only do you deserve it. You're an idiot. If the term "spastic colon" makes you laugh, you could have just told the patient that he/she has IBS.

YDDI... you're a doctor, be professional for Christ's sake or give ME your degree; twat.

HighasaCloud 46

What part of the word "uncontrollable" don't you understand?

TcheQ 12

I imagine the diagram has wording "kablooey" and a droolish colon pulling a spastic face

Perhaps the term "Irritable Bowel Syndrome" would be less likely to tap your funny bone...

I also think it's hilarious and when I was in medical school, I laughed more than I ever had in my life. I would love for you to be my doctor:))

YDI, that's rather insensitive, considering this is bad news for the patient.