By Erbtosis - 13/05/2016 02:40 - United States - Seattle

Today, my five year-old had to break the news to me that my husband was leaving me for someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 239
You deserved it 1 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Allornone 35

Your soon-to-be ex is a coward. Even if it wasn't his plan to have your child tell you (and if it was, that's even worse), the fact they kid even knew before you is very telling of his inability to face you and do his own dirty work. That's beyond reprehensible.


Can it be a mistake? You should talk to him directly before assuming the worst

Erbtosis 10

It is not a mistake. He says he's in love.

Oh I'm so sorry op. I hope things get better.

Well let's hope you had a prenup and he broke the infidelity clause and you get to keep your innocent 5 year old to yourself, cause at least they're an honest and sweet child of yours.

Mathalamus 24

how did your five year old know before you do? you should try talking to your (ex?) husband to confirm it, first. if he is leaving you for someone else, well let him, but make the "new girl" is aware of it. he might do the same thing again.

Erbtosis 10

Other girl is well aware. I've talked to him. He's just not a decent human like I thought he was.

I'm so sorry, op. Honestly, I'd say this is good for you even though it must hurt a lot right now. If he cheated(which I assume since he claims he's in love with another woman) and has to get your young child to tell you, you're better off. Let him be someone else's problem. Though I will give a small piece of advice. He was wrong and terrible..but try not to say anything bad about him around your child. He was a terrible husband, but he's still his father.

Allornone 35

Your soon-to-be ex is a coward. Even if it wasn't his plan to have your child tell you (and if it was, that's even worse), the fact they kid even knew before you is very telling of his inability to face you and do his own dirty work. That's beyond reprehensible.

Shade0000 9

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No shit, 14, but "Dont shoot the messanger" is a figure of speech.

It just means, "don't get mad at me, I'm just telling you."

This made me laugh, needs more up votes.

Erbtosis 10
AJSAngel 5

That act alone should show him as an unfit parent, and go a long way towards giving you primary custody, or maybe even sole custody. No child should ever be put in that kind of position. All of the ugliness of divorce should be kept away from the children, and both parents should keep a united front to them, letting them know that even though the parents couldn't work things out that they both love the children as much as ever.

notusually 8

Who said the divorce was ugly or they were not being civil? Your advise was not even on point or needed. Get off your high horse you prick.

testy, testy. It's advice* as a noun, the verb is advise, in your haste to attack you must not have noticed. Though it was presumptive of them, if OP isn't upset then I might suggest letting it lie? It certainly wasn't malicious and in your fury any of your righteous anger is weakened by grammatical error.

That's disgusting and disrespectful for you and your child ... Having so little respect as to use one's child as a messenger for the sort of thing that you're supposed to be preserving them from ... Good luck OP, you're worth much better than him !

That's ****** up of him, to make your child tell you.

I'd bring this up in case of a custody battle.