
By dr immature - 23/12/2013 23:11 - United States - Washington

Today, I diagnosed a patient with a spastic colon. For some reason, the term "spastic colon" has always amused me, and I burst into uncontrollable laughter as I said it. By the time I managed to stop laughing, my eyes were watering and my patient was visibly angry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 406
You deserved it 48 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm glad to see doctors still find medical terminology childish


Mommy_of_one 2

I have a spastic colon and I would have laughed with you OP.

You obviously don't know what that is because if you did you wouldn't laugh. Spastic colon is when you literally can not control the shit that's coming out of you. You could randomly shit your pants and there's nothing you could do to prevent it. Would you be laughing if that's what you had?


You dumbass, 99. I also have spastic colon. It's another word for IBS. Abd I have no problem "controlling the shit coming out of me." Come back when you have a clue what you're talking about.

Mommy_of_one 2

That's funny, I have never shat my pants and control it

This dude cannot be a doctor. Spastic colon isn't even a real thing.

He's either a GP, Gastro, or ER doc. With as many people who go to the ER with constipation, I wouldn't rule out ER physician.

Though I can't blame you, a part of being a doctor is controlling yourself when it comes to these situations. Takes time.

It takes at least 7 years to become a doctor, the OP had more then enough time to get over it.

Aww come on people, if I was ever diagnosed with a spastic colon I'd probly laugh, why shouldn't the doctor?

You truly are doctor immature. How could you laugh at the illness of a patient. My advice is to say it many times to yourself, laugh it out, then meet with your patient.

You are way too childish to even be playing the 'doctor doctor' game with your dolls!

Yeah living the rest of your life in intense pain and praying that your attacks hit you at night so you can still hold down a job is super funny.